Circumcision: Is it

Q101 :A Hindu friend of mine has embraced Islam. He
is very happy with his new faith and everyone is encouraging him to
learn more about Islam. Our sponsor wanted to take him to hospital for
circumcision, but we were told by an Egyptian friend that there was no
need. Please netment.

A101 : Your Egyptian friend is right. Circumcision,
for new born boys, is renetmended. It is not netpulsory. Therefore, if
a child born to a Muslim family is not circumcised and he remains so
until his death, he does not netmit a sin. It is true that it is
unhygienic to remain un-circumcised, but when we speak of a certain
situation from the Islamic point of view, we have to classify it
according to the teachings of the Prophet. Since this friend of yours
is an adult, and he has only recently embraced Islam, to pressure him
into going to hospital for circumcision is wrong. Let him choose for
himself. There should be no great emphasis attached unduly to
circumcision. If he is a good Muslim, whether he is circumcised or not,
it does not affect his status in any way. Some people may be scared
lest this action in adult life should result in some netplications.
Others are too shy to go through it. Why should there be pressure when
Islam has not required it?

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )