Ablution: Invalidated by touching
private parts

Q11 :Could you please quote a Hadith in support of
your claim that ablution is invalidated by the touching of one’s
private parts? What if this happens as one is drying himself after
having had ghusl?

A11 : It is the view of most scholars that to
touch one’s private parts, skin to skin, invalidates ablution. Their
view is based on the Hadith by a netpanion of the Prophet, Yassrah bint
Safwan, who stated that she has heard the Prophet saying: “He who
touches his private parts must not pray until he has performed
ablution”. (Related by Al-Bukhari, Muslim, Malik, Al-Shafie, Ahmad as
well as others). Another Hadith related by Ahmad quotes the Prophet as
saying: “Any man who touches his private parts should perform ablution
and any woman who touches her private parts should have ablution.” In
the light of these Hadiths, if you touch your private parts, when you
are drying yourself after having had grand ablution, you need to
perform ablution, i.e. Wudhu, before you pray.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )