Congregation: And a missed

Q112 :If one has missed Asr prayer and joined the
imam in the mosque for Maghrib prayers, how should he approach his

A112 : If you [offer your prayers regularly but]
have missed Asr prayer for a legitimate reason, such as oversleeping or
loss of consciousness, and you want to offer it with Maghrib, try to
offer it before the iqamah for Maghrib is called. If it has already
been called, then you have to join the congregation and offer Asr. When
the imam finishes Maghrib prayer, you rise up to add one Rak’ah to
netplete your prayer to four Rak’ahs, and then you offer Maghrib
normally. It is not proper in such cases to start with Maghrib prayers
and offer Asr afterwards. You have to offer prayers in their correct

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )