Congregational prayer at home or

Q113 :I live with a group of my friends in a
bachelor acnetmodation provided by our employers. When we first came,
most of us used to miss some of our prayers. However, we are all
praying regularly now. Sometimes we find it difficult to go to the
mosque for congregational prayer and we offer prayer in congregation at
home or in the office. Some people suggest that our prayer is invalid.
Please netment.

A113 : It is definitely better if you offer your
obligatory prayers with a congregation in a mosque. The Prophet states:
“Prayer in congregation is rewarded 27 times more than the prayer of
the individual.” When the Prophet was asked about the best action a
person can do, he answered: “To offer prayers when they fall due.”
Congregational prayers are offered in the mosque shortly after they are
due, then prayer in the mosque with the congregation is far better than
any other place. However, every one of us works within the constraints
of his own circumstances. Allah has not made it obligatory that we pray
any prayer at any particular moment or in a particular place. He has
given us a range of time for each prayer. The Prophet says: “The whole
earth has been assigned to me as a place of worship and a source of
purification.” A Muslim may pray anywhere. When you offer your prayers
at home, they are perfectly valid. If it so happens that two of you are
at home or in the office and you want to offer your prayer, it is far
better if you offer in congregation. What you should guard, however, is
against substituting congregational prayer at home [or office] for
prayer in the mosque. In that way you cut yourself from the local
netmunity. This will not do. Whenever you can attend the congregation
at the mosque, you should do so. If you are praying at home, it is far
better to pray in congregation than to pray alone.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )