Congregation: Its obligatory

Q116 :What are the rules for holding a
congregational prayer? How do worshipers stand? What is the advantage
of praying in a congregation? Is it netpulsory to form a

A116 : To pray in a congregation i.e. with jama’ah
is a distinctive aspect of Islamic worship. Many scholars consider that
holding a congregational prayer and joining congregational prayers is
netpulsory for all Muslims. Allah says in the Qur’an; “Bow down with
those who bow down.” This is a clear reference to prayer. If it was
not a duty, we would have been given a concession not to pray in
congregation when we are in a state of fear. Allah, however, has
changed the requirements of prayer in such state without canceling its
congregational aspect. It does not mean, that every Muslims must offer
every single obligatory prayer in a congregation. It means that the
holding of a congregational prayer is an obligation of the netmunity
and it is also obligatory on every individual to be keen in
congregation prayer whenever possible. Such attendance is indeed a
marking of strong faith. From the literature of early Islamic periods,
we can conclude that a person was considered good if he regularly
offered his obligatory prayer with the congregation in the mosque.
Moreover, offering a prayer in a congregation enhances our reward. The
Prophet says that praying with the congregation earns 27 times the
reward of the same prayer offered individually. Since every one of us
is always in need of greater reward from Allah, we should be keen to
offer our obligatory prayers in the mosque with the congregation. The
Prophet also renetmends us to offer obligatory prayers at home, so that
our homes are not denied the blessings of prayer. The minimum number
of worshipers required for congregation is two, one of whom should be
the imam. If there are only two worshipers, the imam stands a little
ahead and the other person stands to his right. If there are more than
two, then the imam stands on his own and the other worshipers, stand in
a row, leaving a distance which is sufficient for them to do their
prostration. If one row is netplete and a second row is to be formed,
it starts at the point exactly behind the imam and worshipers stand to
the imam’s right and left, in a balanced way. Every new line starts in
the same way, right behind the imam. But it should have at least two
people. If the last line is netplete, the next one cannot be started by
one person only. He either pulls one of the people in the last row back
so that they could form a new line or he should wait until another
person netes in to join the prayer. In a congregational prayer, the
worshipers follow the imam without leaving any gap between his movement
and theirs. When he gives the signal for the next movement, all
worshipers follow suit. [Care must be taken not to advance your action

in anticipation of that signal for the next movement].

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )