Congregation: When imam missed

Q119 :After netpleting the congregational prayer one
evening, the imam stood up and announced that he had just remembered
that he did not do his ablution. He told the congregation to repeat
their prayers. This led to much confusion with some people arguing that
their prayer was correct and valid. About half of the congregation
repeated their prayer while the other half left. Who was right?

A119 : The imam need not have mentioned anything
about his earlier forgetfulness. The prayer of the congregation is
correct. Those who left the mosque without repeating it were correct,
because their prayer was valid. Those who repeated the prayer, will,
Allah willing, be rewarded for it as a voluntary prayer. It is needless
to say that the imam himself must repeat his prayer. It is reported
that Umar ibn Al Khattab once lead the dawn prayer. After he left, he
discovered the traces of a wet dream on his clothes. He took a shower
and repeated his prayer, without ordering any one in the congregation
to repeat their prayers. This incident is also reported of Uthman ibn
Affan. When he discovered the traces, he said: “I have indeed grown
old. I have indeed grown old.” He meant that in his old age, he could
not remember having had a wet dream. He repeated his prayer ordering no
one to repeat theirs.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )