Ablution: Purification –

Q12 :Is it necessary for a woman to have a full
shower or bath before she prays, if she has had a vaginal discharge
which may happen at any time of the day without a particular

A12 : Having a full shower for purification is
necessary for a woman only at the end of her menstrual period and after
the discharge of postnatal blood has stopped. It is also obligatory for
both man and woman after sexual contact which involves even partial
penetration. For a man, it is obligatory after ejaculation, whether
deliberate or voluntary, as in the case of a wet dream. When we have
learned this, the simple answer to your question is that a discharge of
the type you have described does not require a full shower. It should
be treated, however, in the same way as urine, in the sense that it
invalidates ablution. Purification must be carried out first, by
washing the place with water. If it has fallen on any part of your
clothes, or your body, the spot where it has fallen should also be
washed. When you have carried out this, you only need to have a new
ablution in order to be able to offer your prayers. However, if a
woman is in doubt as to whether this discharge is the beginning or end
of menses, she has to ascertain the fact first since the difference in
ruling is total. If the discharge is white in colour, there is no doubt
that it does not require a full shower. A simple ablution is

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )