Crossing the path of a praying

Q127 :It is suggested that it is better to stand for
forty years than cross the path of a person engaged in prayer. May I
ask whether this applies to people offering prayers in the mosques in
Makkah and Madinah?

A127 : It is strongly renetmended that when a
person offers his prayers he would put in front of him some sort of a
barrier at a point which is a little farther than where he places his
head on the ground when he prostrates himself. That barrier could be
anything, whether wide or narrow. Even a stick is sufficient. If he has
nothing to place in front of him then he may draw a line on the ground
to separate his praying place from the surrounding area. When a person
has placed such a shield or screen, then anyone who crosses his way
beyond it does not have any effect on his prayer. What you have
mentioned is correct. A highly authentic Hadith quotes the Prophet as
saying: “Had any person who crosses the path of someone engaged in
prayer known what sin he incurs, he will have preferred to stop for
forty years rather than cross his path.” (Related by Al-Bukhari and
Muslim and others). The Hadith does not specify whether the Prophet
meant forty days or forty years. That is immaterial. Another Hadith
related by Muslim quotes the Prophet as saying: “It is better for any
of you to stand for one hundred years rather than cross the path of his
brother when he is engaged in prayer.” The Prophet orders his followers
to try to prevent anyone who is about to cross their path when they
offer their prayer. But if someone crosses the path nevertheless, it
does not affect the validity of the prayer itself. [Path of prayer does
not extend beyond the point of prostration.] An exception is made in
Makkah, where the requirement of putting a shield or a screen does not
apply. That is because of the enormous crowd that gathers in Makkah
during pilgrimage and peak Umrah season. If a praying person is
required to prevent everyone that intends to cross his path, he would
not be able to concentrate on his prayer.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )