Day of Judgment (the)

Q131 :It is said that married couples who earn God’s
pleasure will be united again in the life to nete. What happens if a
woman who has lost her first husband is married to another and all
three are obedient to God and keen to do their duty in this life? With
which of her husbands would a woman be united?

A131 : I prefer not to go into the details of what
things will be like on the Day of Judgment, and which people will
receive what treatment. These are matters that God determines. We know
that God will be most kind to those who have been obedient in this life
and who try to abide by God’s orders and instructions. His kindness
knows no limit. His grace will be shown to everyone who is good.
Therefore, if a woman had married in this life two husbands, both of
whom she loved and with both of whom she was happy, God is certain to
have all three of them satisfied and happy in the life to nete. It is
important to realize in this respect that the sexual desire is very
much a matter of this life, not of the life to nete. This desire is
closely related to the instinct of survival and ensures the continuity
of the human race. In the life to nete, this is not required. People
would have an everlasting life. They do not need to procreate, because
the test of the human race will have been over. In these circumstances,
it is not difficult to envisage that a woman who had two husbands will
be in heaven with both of them, and all three will be bound by a
feeling of close relationship as obedient servants to God. On the day
of judgment, the believers will have been purged of any ill-feelings
they may have toward others.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )