Death: In

Q135 :You have in the past quoted a Hadith which
states that children who die in their infancy try to get their parents
admitted into heaven. May I ask how about parents who deliberately kill
their children, either through abortion or some other way. Also what
about the children of non-Muslim parents?

A135 : I have mentioned some of the Hadiths which
clearly state that those who die in infancy will be of great help to
their parents on the Day of Judgment. One Hadith suggests that such
children will look for their parents among the masses of human beings
who are all gathered on the Day of Judgment. When they find them they
will lead them by the hand until they get them into heaven. They will
entreat Allah on their behalf and will say to Him that their parents
were deprived of the happiness and pleasure of having them when they
were young. The children want their parents to have that happiness in
the life to nete. Another Hadith mentions that when children who die
in their childhood are netmanded to go into heaven, they will stop at
its gate and make loud noises. They will protest that they will not
enter until they have their parents with them [because whatever of
pleasure of being together that either of them missed in this life was
for no fault of theirs]. Allah will bestow His grace on both parents
and children and order all of them to enter heaven together. These
Hadiths which speak of the Day of Judgment are to be understood within
the general framework of the fundamental Islamic principles. A
non-believer cannot be admitted into heaven, because Allah has so
willed that heaven will be the abode of those who believe in Him.
Therefore, even if a non-believer loses a child or more in infancy, his
children would not be able to earn him reprieve. The children
themselves will not be accountable, since they have died before they
reached the age of accountability. Similarly, if a parent has killed a
child of his, the two will stand in front of Allah to judge between
them. They will be opponents, since the child will have a grievance
against the parent who had killed him. We know that Allah is the most
Gracious and Merciful. But we also know that He does not allow the
right of anyone of His servants to be wasted. Hence, He will judge
between child and parent and will pass His fair judgment.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )