Abortion on medical

Q15 :There are many genetic disorders for which
currently no cure is available, but diagnosis is possible. Some of
these disorders, when confirmed, may require termination of pregnancy.
What is your opinion on this important issue in the light of Islamic
teachings: can abortion be allowed on medical grounds?

A15 : In 1983, a conference was held in Kuwait in
which specialized doctors of medicine and Islamic scholars took part.
One of the most important subject discussed was abortion. There was a
great deal of discussion on the various aspects of abortion and when it
can be considered appropriate. From the findings of that conference it
can be concluded that abortion is permissible if the continuation of
pregnancy poses a real threat to the life of the mother. In this case,
abortion can be performed at any stage during the pregnancy, and as
soon as it is clear that termination of pregnancy is the only way to
save the life of the mother. As for other medical conditions,
scholars differed a great deal on this issue. It is however, remarkable
that the proceedings show that gynaecologists and obstetricians who
also have sound Islamic knowledge took a stronger attitude opposing
abortion at any stage of the pregnancy. Scholars of fiqh could find
room for a more understandable attitude. They gave different verdicts
for different stages of the pregnancy. Most of them say that abortion
is forbidden after 120 days of conception. Others say that this
prohibition begins after 45 days. Both groups define the limit which
they favour on the basis of a certain Hadith. The one which speaks of
120 days may be given in translation as follows:

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )