Depression: Islamic way to overnete

Q150 :What is the best Islamic way to overnete
depression? (which results from thinking about the past, loss of
friends, fear of getting old, possible death of parents, etc.)

A150 : The sort of depression you ask about is
easily dispelled when one remembers that everything in this life is
decreed by Allah. We all get older and it is possible for a young
person to lose his or her parents. None of us know what the future
brings to us. We may be close friends with a person today and in a
short period that person benetes far away from us. All such happenings
should be accepted with patience. One should know that whatever happens
in this life, takes place only with Allah’s will. When we remember
Islamic values, we accept such events with resignation and we can
easily submit our will to Allah. When we do that, we view any
happenings in our lives as trivial. We are able to look at life in a
more detached and reasonable way. No event in the life of a human being
represents the end of the road, except his own death. Allah takes care
of us and we should entrust ourselves to His will. When we are true
believers, we view every development in our life as good. We can easily
submit to it as it represents Allah’s will. A prayer which helps
overnete such depression should be addressed to the causes of
depression themselves. The Prophet teaches us that we should pray
according to the situation we find ourselves in. There are, in
addition, prayers which the Prophet himself used. One of these which is
relevant here is that which says: “My Lord, I seek refuge with You
against worry and depression, disability and laziness, cowardliness and
miserliness, being overburdened with debt and being subject to

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )