Devil: Powers of the

Q151 :Could you please give your view on the
mysteries like “the Bermuda Triangle” where ships and aeroplanes are
said to have disappeared without a trace. Who is responsible for such
actions? They cannot be of Allah’s doing, but could they be the work of
the devil or space creatures?

A151 : I do not know much about the Bermuda
Triangle. Nor should a Muslim be over-concerned with its history. What
we should know is that events that take place in the universe are
subject to the law of cause and effect. If a ship is lost in the sea,
there must be a reason for its sinking. It cannot just disappear and
leave no trace. If it is true that ships are being lost in a certain
area, then a study of the sea currents in that area could reveal the
cause. It is not right to attribute such happenings to “the devil”.
Allah has not given the devil such powers. What the devil does is to
persuade people to follow a pattern of behavior which takes them away
from the fold of the faithful. When they listen to him, they bring on
themselves misery in this life and in the life to nete. But the devil
cannot interfere with the laws of nature which Allah has sent into
operation. Otherwise, the devil would appear to be a force netpeting
with the power of Allah. That is not possible. Nor can we explain such
happenings as the work of space creatures. We have not seen any such
creature approach our planet. Apart from science fiction, there is no
evidence whatsoever that invaders from other planets or stars represent
a danger to human life on earth. While we do not deny the possibility
of existence of creatures or civilizations in other planets or
galaxies, we better not attribute anything that takes place on earth to
them until the time netes, if at all, when we have hard evidence of the
existence and their interference with our planet.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )