
Q155 :Divine Law

A155 : The divine law is a single and netplete whole
which cannot be split into separate parts. Its provisions which concern
the concept of faith, or acts of worship, or permissions and
prohibitions, or social regulations and international relations are all
of equal value. In their total sum they constitute the religion which
Allah describes in the Qur’an as having been perfected. To reject any
part of this code is to reject it all, and to reject religion or faith
altogether. The law of the particular time in which the Qur’an was
revealed applies to all time because, according to Allah’s own
statement, it is the law of the religion revealed to mankind to be
implemented by all netmunities for the rest of time. The detailed
regulations and laws will remain the same, while the basic principles
constitute the framework within which human life develops and
progresses. [This day I have perfected your religion for you and
bestowed on you the full measure of My blessings and chosen Islam as a
religion for you. – The Repast, “Al-Maidah” : 5;3 ]

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )