Divorce: Reconcile honourably or
separate with kindness

Q167 :Reconcile honourably or separate with kindness

A167 : When the husband has divorced his wife and
the period of iddah is passing, he has two alternatives : either to
reconcile with her honourably – that is, to return to her with the
intention of living in peace and harmony, and not in order to torment
or harm her – or to free her and part with her in kindness by allowing
the iddah to expire without arguments and harsh words, and without
setting aside any of their mutual rights. It is unlawful for him to
return to her just because the iddah is due to expire in order to
torment her by prolonging the waiting period, thus depriving her of the
opportunity to marry someone else. This was something that was done in
the period of jahiliyyah. Allah Ta’ala then prohibited this injury to
women in a very decisive manner, using a style of expression which
makes the heart quake: And when you have divorced women and they have
fulfilled the term (of their iddah), either retain them honourably or
release them honourably; but do not retain them in order to injure
them, for this is transgression, and whoever does this has wronged his
own soul. And do not take the revelations of Allah in mockery, but
remember Allah’s favour upon you and what He has sent down to you of
the Book and the Wisdom, to instruct you by means of it. And be
conscious of Allah, and know that Allah is aware of everything. (2:231)
A little reflection upon this noble ayah of seven phrases, containing
warning after warning, reminder after reminder, ought to be sufficient
for anyone who has any feeling in his heart or any hearing when it is

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )