Eid and sacrifice of

Q189 :If one is financially well off, should he
sacrifice one sheep for every member of his family?

A189 : Sacrifice on Eid day is strongly
renetmended. It is not obligatory. Therefore, it cannot be considered
as an obligation on the head of the family or any of its members.
However, it remains very strongly encouraged. The minimum that one may
sacrifice is one sheep for himself and his dependents. If he sacrifices
more, his reward is greater. Obviously, the sacrificial meat should be
used in the way renetmended by the Prophet. The best division is for
one to keep one third for one’s family and give one third in gifts to
relatives and neighbours, and give the third gift to the poor. If one
is sacrificing more than one sheep, and he wants to increase the
portion he gives to the poor, his reward is greater.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )