Eve: the way Allah created

Q192 :We all know that God has created the Prophet
Adam, and presumably he created Eve in the same way. Why, then, the
scholars say that Eve was created from Adam’s left rib? Does it look
natural? Medical science rejects such an assumption. Can you interpret
it in a logical way? That would be very helpful for all of us.

A192 : The first thing that I would like to say
about this question is that when something relates to God’s power or
how He does whatever He wishes to do, or how He creates, then we should
accept what is stated in the Qur’an or in an authentic Hadith without
any reservation. We know that God has power over all things, and he
is able to acnetplish His purpose easily, and without difficulty. We
know, for example, that man was created from clay and then God breathed
of His soul into him. God certainly could have created man from some
other substance, or without using any substance whatsoever. There is no
limit to God’s ability. What we also know is that whatever God
decides, or whatever method of creation He adopts, it must have a
definite purpose known to Him. Therefore, we do not question that
purpose of the method employed. There is certainly a report which
suggests that the first woman, Eve, was created from Adam’s left rib.
This report, however, cannot be described as highly authentic. But even
if it was, we need not have any problem in accepting it, because God
must have a purpose, for choosing to create Eve in this way. God’s will
is not subject to medical science, or indeed to any science whatsoever.
What science does is to observe God’s creation and try to define laws
that apply to God’s creation. Hence, it cannot impose its findings on
how God works or creates. On the other hand, we have some highly
authentic Hadiths which speak that women generally have been created
from a rib. These could be interpreted as referring to the creation of
the first woman. They could also mean that such a method of creation
reflects itself in the nature of women generally. The most netplete
version of these Hadiths is the one which may be translated as follows:
“Take good care of woman, for they have been created from a rib. The
most prominently crooked part of a rib is its top part. If you were to
try to straighten it, you will inevitably break it, but if you leave it
alone, it remains crooked. Therefore, take good care of women.”
(Related by Al-Bukhari) It is evident that the description here is
figurative. The Prophet’s purpose is to remind men everywhere and in
all generations that they must take good care of women, whether they
are their wives, mothers, sisters or daughters. The Prophet also refers
to a certain waywardness in women’s nature. This is present in almost
all women and it requires some careful handling in order to ensure that
life continues happily. It is as if the Prophet is telling men not to
try to impose their will rigidly over women, because that may lead to a

break-up of the family home. In another version of this Hadith, related
by Muslim, the Prophet explains that “to break while trying to
straighten crookedness is to divorce one’s wife.” Therefore, men must
be tolerant and must take good care of their women. Those among us who
act on the Prophet’s advice will certainly be rewarded by God.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )