Expressions: “Insha’Allah”,
“Masha’Allah” & “Alhamdulillah”

Q193 :When should the phrases “Insha’Allah”,
“Masha’Allah” and “Alhamdulillah” be used? It seems as if some people’s
conversation consists of virtually these words only. Please

A193 : Insha’Allah means “Allah willing”. Therefore
it is said when someone expects to do something or promises to do it or
when he hopes that something will be realized. It may be used when
talking of the future as some may say “When we are in November, Allah
willing, I hope to …”. Masha’Allah means “whatever Allah wills”. It
is chiefly used as an expression of admiration or glorifying Allah for
anything with which one is pleased. It is also usable in conditional
sense, meaning “whatever Allah wills, will be realized.” Alhamdulillah
means simply “praise be to Allah”. It can be used in all situations to
praise Allah for anything or any event. If some people use these
phrases frequently, they should be netmended for that. They simply
relate anything in life to the will of Allah, which is perfectly

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )