Fasting: And the willful

Q202 :What is the netpensation required of a person
who spoils his fasting in Ramadan by having sex with his wife during
the day.

A202 : To have sexual intercourse with one’s wife
during a day of Ramadan is a very serious offense indeed. The
netpensation is proportionate to the offense. The Prophet has outlined
the netpensation when a man told him that he had ruined himself by
having intercourse with his wife during a day in Ramadan. The Prophet
told him to free a slave. When the man mentioned that he did not have
any money to buy a slave, the Prophet told him that he should fast two
consecutive months. This means that he should fast for 58-60
consecutive days, without a break. If a person is unfit to do this
fasting, because of ill health, then he should feed sixty poor people
for a day. Scholars have different views on whether the woman is also
required to make such a netpensation. If the man has pressurized his
wife into this, then she need not do any netpensation other than fast
one day in place of the day of Ramadan she spoilt by her intercourse.
Some scholars are of the view that she need only do that in any case.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )