Fasting: In

Q207 :After the netpletion of fasting in Ramadan, is
it obligatory to observe the fast for six days in the month of

A207 : No, but it is renetmended to fast six days
after the end of Ramadan, provided we do not begin with the first day
of Shawwal which is the day of Eid. The renetmendation is particularly
significant. As you know, Allah rewards a good deed with at least ten
times its value. Therefore, when you fast the month of Ramadan, you
have the reward of fasting ten months. If you follow that with fasting
for six days, then you have the reward of fast for sixty days, which is
equivalent to two months. This means that your reward is equivalent to
that of fasting of the whole year. If you do this year after year, then
Allah stores for you the reward of fasting throughout your life.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )