Fasting: On

Q211 :Some scholars in our country suggest that
fasting on Fridays, other than in Ramadan, is inappropriate. Is this

A211 : What is discouraged in relation to voluntary
worship, including prayer and voluntary fasting on Friday is to single
out Friday for the purpose. Thus, it is discouraged to fast voluntarily
on Fridays, unless you also fast either on Thursday preceding it or the
Saturday following it. Similarly, it is discouraged to single out
Friday night for night worship, unless you join it to either the night
preceding or the one following it. This applies in normal situations.
If there is a good reason for singling out Friday for fasting, then it
benetes appropriate. Suppose that a man could not fast during
Ramadan, he may have fallen ill. He has a hard job to do which makes
fasting exceedingly difficult. His rest day is Friday. In this case, it
is perfectly in order for him to fast on Fridays in order to netpensate
for the days he did not fast in Ramadan.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )