Fatimah: What distinguishes Fatimah
from other women

Q220 :In my country, some people claim that Lady
Fatimah, the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a
special woman. When she was born, the Prophet Moses’ sister and
Pharaoh’s wife as well as Lady Mary, mother of the Prophet Jesus,
attended her birth and that Lady Fatimah talked to Angel Gabriel,
calling him uncle. Is this true?

A220 : That Lady Fatimah was a woman of distinction
is an absolute fact. No one can claim otherwise. Her position of
distinction is mentioned in more than one Hadith. Prophet is reported
to have said: “Fatimah is a part of my flesh: whoever causes her to be
upset, upsets me.” (Related by Al-Bukhari) He also says: “Fatimah is
the mistress of all women in heaven (with the exception of Mary).” That
is more than sufficient to make her one of the most distinguished women
in the whole history of mankind. Lady Fatimah was the youngest of the
Prophet’s daughters. He loved her so dearly and he told her what he
told no one else and she kept that secret until he had passed away.
Lady Fatimah reports: “Allah’s messenger (peace be upon him) came in
one day when I was at Aisha’s room and he spoke privately to me and I
cried. He then spoke privately to me and I smiled. Aisha asked me about
this and I said I have learned something, but should I tell you Allah’s
messenger’s secret? She dropped the subject. When the Prophet passed
away she asked again and I told her: “He said to me: I think I will die
this year, and that no woman in any generation has ever had a greater
tragedy than yours, so do not be less patient than any woman. I
therefore cried. He then said to me: [Fatimah] You are the mistress of
all women in heaven, with the exception of Mary, and I smiled.” As for
the attendance of the distinguished ladies you have mentioned at her
birth and her talking to the angel, this cannot be authentic at all.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )