Al-Fatihah in

Q23 :Is it netpulsory for a person in congregation
prayer to read the Fatihah? Is the prayer valid without reading

A23 : Scholars have different views about the
reading of the surah Al-Fatihah by a worshipper who has joined a
congregational prayer. Those who say that it is not required rely on a
Hadith which suggests that the recitation by the Imam is sufficient for
the whole congregation. Those scholars who take the view that it is
necessary for everyone in the congregation to read the Al-Fatihah in
every rakah rely on a Hadith which says that prayer is invalid without
reciting Al-Fatihah. Both Hadiths are authentic. If a person takes
either view, his prayer will, God willing, be accepted.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )