Graves &

Q239 :Whenever we visit the Prophet’s mosque in
Madinah and the graveyard of Al Baqie, we are directed to more than one
place as the burial place of Fatimah, the Prophet’s daughter. Please

A239 : When people point to different spots at the
burial place of Fatimah, or any particular netpanion of the Prophet,
that is understandable. As you realize the sunnah which was certainly
followed at the time of the Prophet is to make a grave very simple and
to make its mark also simple. There is no prestige in making a great
tomb for any deceased person. Simple graves are bound to be lost with
the passage of time. Later generations will at best be able to point to
a particular area as having been the burial place of any particular
person. May I ask, why is it so important to know the exact spot where
a particular person is buried? If it is to visit his or her grave, and
to pray Allah to have mercy on that person, this can be done equally
well whether we know the exact spot or not. If one stands at the
entrance of the graveyard and prays Allah to have mercy on all those
who are buried there, it is perfectly all right. If he wants to mention
them one by one, that is again appropriate. He is certainly rewarded
for visiting the graveyard and for praying Allah to have mercy on those
buried there. This is all we need do.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )