Hadiths: Conditions established for

Q246 :Is there any Hadith which is included in the
two collections of Al-Bukhari and Muslim which can be described as

A246 : Scholars look at each Hadith, or statement
attributed to the Prophet, from two angles: its chain of reporters and
its text. As you realize, by the time the great scholars of Hadith such
as Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Al-Bukhari and Muslim, made their valuable
collections, each Hadith should have been reported by four or more
reporters. This is what we call sanad or chain of reporters. Before
each text, you will find Al-Bukhari or Muslim or any other scholar of
Hadith stating who told him the Hadith he is quoting and from whom that
person heard it, and on whose authority that second person is reporting
it, and so on until he reaches a netpanion of the Prophet who says: “I
heard Allah’s messenger saying …” The text of the Hadith then
follows. Scholars have laid down five conditions for the acceptability
of any Hadith. Three of these conditions relate to the sanad or chain
of reporters and two to the text. The first three are:

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )