Human rights in

Q259 :Could you please explain about human rights
and how they are viewed in Islam.

A259 : Whatever advancement has been made by human
civilization with regard to man’s role and position in this life, you
will find it well established before it was even contemplated by
reformers anywhere outside the Muslim world. Only a few centuries ago,
Europe unquestioningly accepted the concept of the divine right of
kings. It is needless to say that the so-called divine right could only
produce absolute rulers who were accountable to no one. Over 1,400
years ago, Islam established that no human being is infallible and no
ruler is immune to accountability. When, a few years after the Prophet
had passed away, the ruler of the Muslim state, Umar ibn Al-Khattab,
requested the people during a speech he was giving in Madinah to nete
forward and correct him, should he deviate from the right path, one of
the people stood up and said: “By Allah, should we find you deviating
from the right path, we will certainly straighten that deviation with
our swords.” Umar praised Allah that he has given him people who would
not hesitate to correct him should he slip. The international
declaration of human rights is a relatively recent event. Over 1,400
years ago, the Prophet declared “Human beings are equal, just like the
teeth of a netb.” When he traveled to do his pilgrimage, 100,000 people
joined him. That was the largest gathering during his life. He gave a
memorable speech in which he repeatedly requested his audience to
netmunicate what they learned from him to other people. In that speech,
he declared: “You all descend from Adam and Adam was created out of
clay. No Arab is superior to a non-Arab and no white person has any
privilege over a black person except through good actions based on
fearing Allah. The best among you are those who are most God-fearing.”
The principle of equality of all human beings has always been central
to the Islamic social concept. That equality is clearly reflected in
the treatment of slaves as regulated in the Islamic system. Before
referring to this, I wish to emphasize that Islam could not have
abolished slavery at one go. That was a worldwide system operated by
all countries. Therefore, Islam laid down a system which ensured the
gradual and steady eradication of the system of slavery and its
progressive abolition. While it continued, Islam was to ensure the
rights of slaves. The Prophet says: “He who kills his slave shall be
killed and he who mutilates his slave shall be mutilated.” This was the
extreme opposite of the prevailing law. No one could question a master
about what he did with his slave. If he killed him, he was immune from
punishment. Equality also was established between men and women. It
was the normal practice throughout the world that women were considered
far inferior to men. Islam addressed its message to both men and women

and made it clear that both have the same rights and duties, with minor
differences that are necessitated by their different nature and
different roles in society. I have begun with the basic right to
equality because it is the one which generates the longest debate
whenever the subject of human rights is discussed. Other rights have
also been guaranteed by Islam. The first is the right to live, which
every infant is guaranteed from the moment he or she is born. Indeed,
this right applies to a fetus once pregnancy is established. Anyone who
causes abortion exposes himself to punishment. Other rights like
education, work, ownership, freedom of belief, etc. have also been
guaranteed by Islam. What is more is that Islam establishes rights to
individuals who do not even know of these rights, cannot claim them and
have no way to enforce them. For example, a newborn baby has the right
to good care and education until he is old enough to look after
himself. If a particular couple neglected a child of their own, the
ruler is required to ensure that they fulfill their duty. Otherwise, he
could take their son or daughter away from them and place that child
with a family who is certain to look after it. Islam also establishes
other rights to which all people are entitled. The most important of
these is the right to receive guidance. Allah has revealed His message
to mankind and conveyed it to them through Prophet Muhammad [peace be
upon him]. Everyone is entitled to have this message conveyed to him or
her in the language he or she understands. This is because Allah has
revealed this message so that people can conduct their lives in
accordance with divine guidance which ensures their happiness while
they live on earth and guarantees happiness in the hereafter. The
Muslim netmunity is required to ensure that this message reaches all.
However, Islam recognizes that faith can nete only through conviction.
Hence, it states clearly that no netpulsion is admissible in matters of
faith. Everyone has the right to choose the faith he or she wants to
follow. As you see, the Islamic concept of man gives this noble
creature a very high position. It provides every facility needed for
man to work up to his potentials. That ensures the best results of his
efforts. Indeed, it is through such willing contribution to the
netmunity effort by all individuals in the Muslim netmunity that
Islamic civilization made its mark on history and continued to lead
humanity for centuries on end. Every time Islam is implemented, the
same sort of marvelous results have been manifest. This assures us that
the same could happen today if the Muslims were to implement their
faith properly.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )