Allah’s 99

Q26 :I read in a note posted in a mosque that the
person who memorizes Allah’s 99 names is certain to go to heaven. I am
always repeating those 99 names after Fajr and evening prayers. [Please

A26 : Most of Allah’s 99 names denote His
attributes. Thus, a name like Al-Khaliq denotes the attribute of
creation which belongs to Allah, since Al-Khaliq means, “the Creator”.
Al-Raziq on the other hand, denotes the attribute of providing
sustenance to his creation, since Al-Raziq means, “the Provider”. The
same applies to Allah’s other names. Hence, knowing them all helps us
formulate a clear concept of Allah and His essential attributes. This
is important for a Muslim to have. Moreover, it helps him adopt the
right attitude when he is faced with a problem or a difficult
situation. Say, for example, a person finds himself in a situation
where he is in bad need of even a small amount of food, as in the case
of refugees who flee from their homes as a result of war or famine. A
refugee who is well aware of Allah’s attributes realizes that it is
Allah who provides sustenance for all His creatures. Hence, he turns to
Him for help and prays Him to provide him with such sustenance. Having
said that, I should add that there is no great virtue in repeating
Allah’s attributes like a parrot. Islam tries to make its followers
fully aware of their position and responsibilities. This is not done
through the memorization of the verses of the Qur’an or Allah’s names,
but through acting on them. Hence, it is a great virtue to be aware of
Allah’s attributes, but that virtue is not obtained through repeating
His attributes like a parrot.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )