Hunger for food and sex

Q261 :God has implanted in human beings two types of
hunger: the first and stronger is that which is satisfied with food,
and the other is the hunger for sex. It is most difficult to avoid
these physical needs and natural tendencies. In any circumstances,
living creatures will find a way to fulfill both needs. Please

A261 : May I ask: Who is responsible for what? It
is true that God has given us both these natural desires, but each of
them has a definite purpose. The first gives us the nourishment to
sustain us. Thus it makes our survival possible. The other, namely sex,
helps us procreate and ensures our continued existence. This means that
the desire for food satisfies the instinct of self-preservation, while
sex answers the need for preservation of the human kind. God has
allowed us to seek fulfillment of both desires, but he has placed
certain restrictions which ensure that we go about their fulfillment in
a legitimate way. Thus, we work in order to earn money to buy food and
preserve ourselves. We get married, which gives us netpanionship and a
family to contribute to the preservation of the human species. Each of
these methods is legitimate for the fulfillment of our desires. But if
we go about their fulfillment in a forbidden way, such as stealing,
bribery or looting other people’s property, then we certainly are
responsible for these crimes. Similarly, we are accountable for any act
which seeks to give us an illegitimate way of satisfying our sexual
desire. If He has facilitated marriage and made it the proper frame for
a legitimate fulfillment of our sexual desires, then why do human
beings go beyond that limit and netmit fornication and adultery? It is
not God who has told us to go about its fulfillment in such an
illegitimate way. It is man’s choice. Therefore, man is accountable.
To sum up, there is a legitimate way to satisfy every human desire. If
we seek such fulfillment in a legitimate way, we are rewarded. As the
Prophet has mentioned, even when a person satisfies his sexual urge
with his wife, he will be rewarded for seeking this fulfillment
legitimately. Similarly, if he goes about its fulfillment in a
forbidden method, he is to be punished, if God determines so, because
of his choice.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )