Ihraam: Covering of

Q267 :Last year I went to pilgrimage. During Ihraam,
I unintentionally covered my head for a few moments on two separate
occasions. I am told that I need to sacrifice a sheep in netpensation.
Is this true?

A267 : It is one of the conditions of Ihraam for a
man not to cover his head. If one covers his head for long period
during Ihraam, then he has violated its conditions and, as such, he is
required to netpensate by slaughtering a sheep. But if this happens
unintentionally for a brief period, a few minutes or so, this can be
considered as a minor error. For such errors, the netpensation takes
the form of sadaqa or a charitable contribution. If you do not find
someone who is really poor in the pilgrimage area, then you need not
give it to a beggar, you need only to pray Allah to forgive your error.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )