Allah’s entity and human

Q27 :I have been thinking of a scientific
explanation of God’s existence and I would be grateful for your
netments. Time is eternal. It has neither a beginning nor an end. When
there was nothing in the universe, there was time, which will still
remain when there will be nothing as well. This is the universal time,
not the one which we know, because our time is relative. Space is also
eternal, without any end line. From time immemorial, there was space
and after the destruction of the material universe, there will be at
least space. Energy can neither be enacted nor destroyed, but it can
change from one form to another. According to scientists, mass can be
converted into energy, and energy into mass. All forms of energy,
whether in gravitational, electromagnetic, nuclear form, etc. are
derived from God Himself who remains the only source of energy.

A27 : I am not a scientist to be able to make any
critical judgment of this approach, although it sounds to me much too
simplistic. What we have here is a statement of certain scientific
facts in order to assert or prove God’s existence. But there is a big
question mark that arises. The conclusion where it leads actually makes
a definition of God in terms of time, space and energy, or indeed a
netbination of all three. From the Islamic point of view, such a
definition is not particularly appealing, because we believe that God
cannot be limited or confined within any particular framework. I
realize that the framework which we have here is eternal in all its
three dimensions of time, space and energy. But then, how do you
account for God’s other attributes such as absolute knowledge,
netpassion, provision of sustenance, etc.? Scientists tell us that a
source of energy need not have a will of its own. How can a netbination
of all three dimensions explain God’s will which works according to His
elaborate planning and faultless designs? I am only asking these
questions to show that we cannot think of God’s nature except in terms
that are familiar to us. We have to perceive things in order to create
an image or define a particular identity. But God’s nature, and indeed
His existence, are not limited to what is familiar to us in our small
corner of the universe. It is for this reason that the Prophet has
ordered us not to think about God’s entity. Such a pursuit will lead us
nowhere. The explanation that my reader has presented seems to be
appropriate, and it may, when elaborated, appear to many people as both
convincing and conclusive. However, some scientists who prefer an
agnostic or atheistic approach may have some counter arguments which
may appeal to other people as also convincing. Where will we stand
then? If we are to require a scientific explanation for God’s existence
and, consequently, a scientific argument in support of faith, then we
are likely to put ourselves in a very difficult position. One reason

for that is the fact that science is in a continuous process of
development. It proves today what it used to deny, and may reject
tomorrow what it accepts today. Hence scientific arguments are not to
be taken as final in matters which relate to God, His existence, power,
will, etc. It is far simpler and more appropriate to say that the
entity and nature of God are questions that relate to what lies beyond
the reach of human perception. Therefore, we do not involve ourselves
in discussing them in terms that relate to our own world. That is
simply not possible. As an English poet puts it: “How can finite reach
infinity.” Our own minds have a finite scope, but God is infinite in
His attributes. Hence, our minds cannot truly perceive the exact nature
of God or His entity. That, however, does not make believing in God
difficult at all. There are numerous signs and pointers in the universe
around us that indicate not only God’s existence but many of His
attributes as well. God says in the Qur’an: “We will show them our
signs in all fields and within themselves until they nete to realize
that it is the truth.” Numerous are the phenomena which cannot be
explained except by saying that God has willed them to exist and to
function in their particular ways. Within ourselves, and how we exist
and function in our own world, there are numerous aspects testifying to
the greatness of the Creator. These must be studied and we can
immensely benefit from understanding them to confirm our belief in
God’s existence and His overpowering will. But we do not take these as
indicative of His nature or assume they point out His entity. These are
matters that we will not be able to perceive. Why, then, indulge in
such an idle pursuit? There need not be any scientific theory or
argument to prove or indicate God’s entity. We accept the fact of His
existence and the fact that He is in absolute and free control of the
whole universe without questioning. That is all that is required for us
to have peace with ourselves, our world and the universe around us.
Hence we stop at this.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )