
Imams: the Four

Q271 :Imams: the Four Imams

A271 : In chronological order,
Imam Malik ibn Anas lived in Madinah most of his life. His grandfather
was a netpanion of the Prophet.
Imam Abu Hanifah was called Al-Nu’man ibn Thabit. He was of Persian
origin, but lived in Iraq.
Imam El-Shaf’ie was born in Ghaza and traveled when still a young boy
to Madinah where he studied under Imam Malik. He also traveled to Iraq
where he met the leading scholars of the Hanafi school of though such
as Imam Abu Yousuf. He then traveled to Egypt where he spent the last
five years of his life.
The Hanbali school of thought was founded by Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal,
who lived mostly in Baghdad. He was a close friend of Imam El Shaf’ie.
Both learned from each other, although Imam Ahmad, the younger scholar,
was keen to maintain this close relationship which lasted until
El-Shaf’ie left Baghdad for Egypt.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )