Inheritance: When there is no

Q279 :A man died leaving behind his wife, five
daughters, and one brother who has two sons. How will his property be
divided among them?

A279 : The first thing to be paid out of the estate
of the deceased is the settlement of any debts he might have left
unpaid. Secondly, his will should be executed. A Muslim may leave up to
one third of his property to people other than his heirs by will. He
may apportion certain parts of his property to any relatives who are
not assigned shares of his inheritance according to the Islamic system.
He may also wish to give away something for charity. When this man’s
debts are paid and his will is executed, the remainder is divided among
his heirs as follows: one eighth to his wife and two thirds to be
divided equally among his five daughters. The remainder goes to his
brother. In this particular case it netes to just over one fifth. His
two nephews receive nothing.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )