Islamic literature for the

Q303 :I, a Christian, would like to know more about
Islam. Is it forbidden for me to read the Qur’an? Are there books
written in English about Islam? How to get them?

A303 : There are plenty of books and booklets
written on Islam in English. Perhaps the best place to get these from
in Saudi Arabia is Dar El-Ifta, the short name for the “Presidency of
Propagation, Islamic Rulings and Research” which is under the direction
of Sheikh Abdulaziz ibn Baz. Its headquarters is in Riyadh, you need
only to write to them about your requirements and they will send you
what books they have in English for free distribution. You need only
address your letter to the department of Islamic propagation at the
Presidency in Riyadh. If you address it to Sheikh ibn Baz himself, it
will be equally good. Alternatively, you can write to any of the
following addresses in Britain and the U.S.A. to have a list of the
books which they can supply you on a purchase order.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )