Jews: Rejection of the Jews or the

Q307 :Someone told me that billiards is a Jewish
game and Muslims should not play it. Please netment.

A307 : It is the first time I hear that billiards
is a Jewish game. Even if it is, there is no harm in playing it. That
applies to everything people may invent or make. Unless something is
intended to undermine Islam, or ridicule it, or reflect badly on
Muslims or their faith, and unless it is meant to glorify something
that is contrary to Islamic teachings, there is no harm in making use
of it. Nothing of this applies to the game of billiards. Perhaps you
should reflect a little on your question. You must not forget that
Islam is a universal message which addresses all mankind. As such, it
has something to say to every human being. Therefore, it does not hold
anyone in disregard unless that person chooses to take a hostile
attitude to Islam. If you netbine this with the fact that it is
permissible for Muslims to marry Jewish women, you will appreciate that
we do not reject anything simply for being Jewish. We do not take a
hostile attitude towards any person, race or faith unless they begin by
taking hostile attitude towards us or towards our faith. Perhaps I
should add that to brand any activity as being Jewish is wrong in the
first place.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )