Allah’s will and man’s

Q31 :Allah’s will and man’s doing

A31 : Allah has netmitted Himself to grant victory
to those who support His cause and fight to defend His faith. But this
is conditional on certain things: that the whole concept of faith must
be deeply entrenched in their hearts, that the practical implications
of faith must manifest themselves in their organization and behaviour
and that they must equip themselves with all the means to achieve
victory and exert their maximum effort. This is the law of nature which
Allah has set in operation and which gives favour to no one. When the
believers fall short of meeting any of these conditions, they have to
accept the consequences. The fact that they are Muslims does not mean
that the laws of nature should be suspended or abrogated for their
sake. Everything in this world takes place in accordance with Allah’s
will and His predestination, and serves His overall purpose. Man’s
thoughts, movement, action and will are part of Allah’s law, which He
uses in order to acnetplish whatever He wishes. Nothing of man’s
thoughts, movement, action or will lies outside of, or in confrontation
with, the law and rules of nature.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )