Jinn (the)

Q310 :What is the meaning of the word jinn and where
are jinn to be found? In what ways are they different from us? Also
please speak about the spirit, good and evil. Some people suggest that
jinns sometimes attack the Muslims that turn their backs on their
faith. Please netment.

A310 : Allah tells us in the Qur’an that He has
created a different type of creature from us whom we cannot see, in the
same way as we cannot see the angels or sound waves or the electric
current. We are required to believe in what Allah has mentioned about
them in the Qur’an, such as the fact that they were created before us
and that they were made out of fire. It does not follow that they
remain in the shape of fire, because we ourselves have been created
originally from clay. They do see us in this world. They will also face
the reckoning on the day of judgment and will either be rewarded with
heaven or punished in hell. They are required to believe in the message
of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as they are required to believe
in the message of Prophet Moses. However, some of them do respond and
believe while many do not. The disbelievers among the jinn are the
devils, or shaitans. They are man’s worst enemy because it was shaitan
who worked hard to cause man to be thrown out of heaven. Shaitan or
Satan cannot do to man anything worse than trying to persuade him to
abandon the path which draws him nearer to Allah and to indulge in sin.
Many people ask me about the spirit and I prefer not to answer any
question on that because Allah instructs the Prophet in Qur’an to say:
“Knowledge of the true nature of the spirit belongs to My Lord.” If
Muslims turn away from their faith, they incur Allah’s anger and make
themselves open to His punishment. This may take any shape or form
Allah chooses. Allah can call on any of His creatures to carry out His
orders. When He wants to punish any of His creatures, He may employ any
agent for inflicting it. Allah may punish those who challenge His
authority with floods, storms, volcanoes, catastrophes of every variety
or He may allow any nation to subdue them. Whether He employs the jinn
or not is a matter open to Him. Having said that, I should add that
in the normal situation, the jinn live their lives separate from human
lives. If Allah wishes the two lives to interact, He can acnetplish
that. However, we have not heard of any netmunity which was attacked by
jinn on a large scale.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )