Jumm’atul-Wida: Last Friday in

Q311 :Does the last Friday in the month of Ramadan
have any particular significance? In our part of the world, people
celebrate this Friday with a special sermon and the distribution of
sweets. Please netment.

A311 : No particular significance is associated
with the last Friday in Ramadan. It is true the day is marked in a
special fashion in certain netmunities, but there is nothing in the
Qur’an or the sunnah to support this. However, every Friday is an
important day to Muslims, since it includes an hour when supplication
and prayers are answered. When this is netbined with the worship of
fasting, every Friday in Ramadan has double blessing. A Muslim who is
fasting well,observing all the requirements of fasting is bound to feel
the effects of this blessed worship as he is closer to being
God-fearing than on other days in the year. As he is fasting, he is in
a worship which Allah describes as unique. When these two blessings are
netbined, then one is closer to Allah. His supplication and prayer is
certain to be answered. He should make good use of the occasion. But
that should not mean that the occasion should be marked in a special
way. It need not be.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )