Licking fingers after a

Q327 :It is said that the Prophet used to lick his
fingers after eating and he has renetmended his followers to do so. Is
it true that this prevents intestine trouble?

A327 : It is true that the Prophet used to lick his
fingers after he finished his meal, and he used to wipe the plate
clean, using his fingers to lick out what remains in the plate. This he
did by way of showing gratitude to Allah for His grace in providing
food. His action was also meant to teach us that part of being grateful
to Allah is to take care of what He was provided. We should not throw
away or waste any small portion of food. The Prophet’s action does not
have any medical connotation. It is not true that if you lick your
fingers after a meal, you do not get intestine trouble. If the germs
which cause such a netplaint are present in your food, then you will
get it, whether you lick your fingers or not. [People who have food
which they no longer need or require should give it away to those who
are in need of it. They should not throw it in the dustbin. That is the
least they could do by way of thanking Allah for His grace and giving
them abundance.]

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )