Love for Allah’s

Q336 :Can a woman love a man for Allah’s sake, as it
is mentioned in a Hadith that a man can love a man or a woman [can
love] another woman for Allah’s sake?

A336 : In an authentic Hadith, the Prophet lists
seven people who will “enjoy Allah’s shelter on the day when there is
no shelter other than His.” These include: “Two men who love each other
for Allah’s sake, they meet and separate with this bond between them.”
In another Hadith, the Prophet speaks of a believer who was on his way
to visit one of his brethren. On instructions from Allah, an angel took
the shape of a human being and stopped him as he passed by, asking him
where he was heading. When he told him that he was going to visit his
brother in the nearby village, the angel asked him whether he had any
business interest with him, or he may be claiming a debt or he may want
to have a favor, or to repay an earlier favor. To all these questions
the man gave a negative reply. The angel then asked him why he was
visiting him. The man answered: “Because I love him for Allah’s sake.”
The angel said: “I am an angel sent by Allah to tell you that Allah
loves you because you love your brothers.” Both Hadiths highlight the
important of having a pure relationship of love which is not motivated
by any interest apart from a bond of faith which unites the two or more
persons concerned. We note, however, in the first Hadith that the
Prophet speaks of “two men.” He did not say: “Two persons.” We know,
however, that all Islamic teachings apply to both men and women, unless
otherwise specified. In other words, the same thing applies to two
women loving each other for Allah’s sake. It is not possible, however,
that this sort of relationship develops between a man and a woman. This
is due first to the fact that the natural attraction between a man and
a woman is too strong to allow such a pure relationship to develop. It
is only to be expected that once there is a sort of intimacy between a
man and a woman which is caused by love or admiration, the natural
desire may impose its color on it. Moreover, if either party or both
are married, the relationship may lead to endless problems. That does
not prevent a person to admire another person of the opposite sex for
his or her dedication to Allah’s cause. This must remain undisclosed
because its disclosure may lead to problems. What we are talking about
here is the sort of admiration one feels towards a person who achieves
excellence in his field. Such admiration is not followed by social
contact. The point about the possibility for a pure relationship of
love for Allah’s cause cannot exist between a man and a woman is that
such love should normally lead to a stage of intimate relations which
Islam cannot approve between a man and a woman.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )