Loving one’s children: The right

Q337 :I have deep and profound love for my wife and
children. I always remember them. Does this mean that my love for them
exceeds my love of God? What is your verdict?

A337 : I do not know. How can I tell? It is only
you who can answer this question. It is only natural that a human being
should love his children and try to protect them from any harm.
Moreover, God has planted in our hearts a certain type of affection and
netpassion toward our wives. When a man leads a happy life with his
wife, the relationship between them benetes strong and deeply rooted.
If he has kind and dutiful children, love to them is so much enhanced.
Again, it is natural for a human being to be always thinking of his
family, to care for his wife and children, to try and bring them up as
best as he can. On the other hand, a believer loves God and manifests
his gratitude to Him through obedience. It is a different type of love
altogether. We cannot love God in the same way as we love our children
and spouses. But it is relevant to ask which love is stronger and more
deeply rooted. To answer this question, one has to look into his own
heart. He should ask himself: Would he deliberately disobey God,
knowing that whatever he is embarking on constitutes disobedience to
Him, for the sake of his wife or children? If so, then at that
particular moment, his love of God takes second position to his love of
his wife or children. If there is conflict between the two types of
love, only the person concerned can answer a question like this and
decide whether his love of his wife and children is stronger than his
love of God or the reverse is true.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )