Man: Is man the noblest

Q340 :We are called the noblest of all creatures,
but we are the most cruel creatures on earth and we indulge in ruthless
criminal activities. Indeed, the atrocities netmitted by man are worse
than anything any animal can do. In what respect, then, are we the best

A340 : Not every human being can be included among
the best of creation. Allah says in the Qur’an: “We brought him down to
the lowest of the low, except for those who believe and do righteous
deeds.” (95; 4-6) These verses make it clear that human beings can rise
to the highest level a creature can attain, but can also sink to the
lowest depth. What determines man’s elevation or fall is his response
to Allah’s message and his implementation of the divine law. Yet when
you look at man, you find that he has been given a noble status and a
high prospect. Allah has distinguished him with the intellect. He has
given him freedom of choice. He took care of him so that he is not
abandoned to his own devices. Allah has sent him messengers to show him
the way to the fulfillment of his potentials and the achievement of the
highest level of humanity. The messengers explained divine guidance to
mankind and provided a practical code of living which has been given
its netplete and perfect form in the message of Islam. Therefore, when
human beings implement Islam, they reach their highest level. When they
abandon Allah’s guidance, they sink into the depth of ignorance in
which Satan tries hard to keep them. This means in effect that when a
human being employs his reason to reflect and then, on reflection, he
adopts the divine faith and with his own free will tries to implement
the divine code of living, he certainly attains the most noble level
any creature can achieve. When he chooses the opposite way, he sinks
down to the level of pagan evil. There are different grades in between
these two extremes. Human beings can choose any of these grades. In
short there is no divine right which gives man a highest noble status.
Man can achieve that only through diligent work in the implementation
of Allah’s law.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )