Martyrs: Basic definition

Q373 :Martyrs: Basic definition of

A373 : Martyrs are only those who are killed when
they fight for Allah’s cause with pure and total devotion. Such
martyrs, as we learn, are alive, enjoying all the characteristics of
life. They are “provided for” by their Lord, and they are jubilant at
what Allah bestows on them of His bounty, and they rejoice at what they
learn of the destiny of the believers they had left behind, and they
are aware of the events that take place here in our world. All these
are characteristics of the living: enjoyment, jubilation, being
concerned, influencing events and being influenced. Why should anyone
then grieve for parting with them when they are still alive and they
have their ties with the living and with events? “Do not think of
those who are killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Indeed, they are
living in the presence of their Lord and are well provided for.
Jubilant are they because of what Allah has bestowed on them of His
bounty, and rejoicing at the happy news that those who have not joined
them, but are left behind, shall have nothing to fear, nor shall they
grieve. They rejoice at the glad tiding of Allah’s grace and bounty and
that Allah will not allow the reward of the believers to be lost. “-
The House of Imran, Aal Imran : 3; 169-

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )