Masjid-e-Nabvi: Visting – An
obligation or a sunnah

Q375 :When one goes to Madina, is it obligatory that
he stays for eight days and offers forty obligatory prayers at the
Prophet’s Mosque?

A375 : Visiting the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah is a
sunnah, i.e. renetmended. It is neither obligatory not part of the
duties of pilgrimage. There is no time restriction attached to such a
visit to the Prophet’s Mosque. It can be done over a very short period
and it can be a very long visit. This depends on personal
circumstances. What we know is that a prayer offered in the Prophet’s
Mosque is rewarded as one thousand prayers elsewhere, with the
exception of the Grand Mosque in Makkah. Therefore, to offer forty
obligatory prayers in the Prophet’s Mosque earns handsome reward. But
to offer more earns more reward. Having said that, I would like to
reiterate that a short visit is perfectly valid and well rewarded. You
can go to Madinah by plane in the morning, offer the Zuhr and Asr
prayers and nete back later in the day to netplete a highly rewarding
sunnah. If your circumstances allow you to stay longer, well and good.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )