Men’s dress: Islamic dress code for

Q381 :Is there any type of clothes or dress that we
can describe as Islamic in as far as men are concerned? Is there any
harm if a Muslim wears a shirt, tie and a pair of trousers?

A381 : All Muslim scholars agree that a Muslim man
must always cover the part of his body which is described as “awrah”.
This term denotes “what is unbeneting, shameful or indecent to reveal.”
A substantial body of Muslim scholars are of the view that a man’s
awrah extends from the waistline down to the knees, with the knees not
included. However, other scholars are of the view that a man’s awrah
is limited to his genitals and back passage. This is perhaps the more
accurate view, supported by the stronger evidence. Any type of dress
which covers the awrah proper and is not seen as something that could
lead to indecent behavior and is not an imitation of clothing that is
distinctive of non-believers is permissible to wear. Thus there is no
harm in wearing the clothes you have described. Some rigid people claim
at times that wearing a shirt and tie imitates non-believers. This is
not true because such clothes are the normal dress for large
netmunities in the Muslim world. Muslims must also guard against
wearing anything that is considered a mark of pride or arrogance.
Whatever conveys an air of arrogance is forbidden to wear.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )