Menstruation period: Delaying

Q382 :Some women use some medicines to delay their
periods during Ramadhan and pilgrimage. Some people object to it
arguing that this amounts to interference with Allah’s creation. As a
result, many women feel guilty at having done this. Please

A382 : Some women feel deprived of the benefits of
pilgrimage if they have to miss their prayers during pilgrimage days as
a result of having their periods. Although their feeling is
understandable, it is unnecessary. Allah has created women in this
fashion. He has exempted them from prayer when they have their period.
There is no reason, however, to prevent them from fulfilling the rites
of pilgrimage while having their period, adding the sort of
glorification and expression of submission to him, which pilgrims
repeat often. There is nothing to prevent women in their periods from
doing that. However, if a woman resorts to some medication to delay
her period in order to be able to netplete the rites of pilgrimage on
time, or to fast the whole month of Ramadhan, she violates no Islamic
rule or principle. She does not have any extra reward for fasting the
whole month of Ramadhan, because a woman who does not fast during her
period, netpensates by fasting a similar number of days later on and
receives the same reward. Yet a woman may prefer to fast in Ramadhan
for a variety of reasons. If she uses some tablets, which are normally
contraceptive to delay her period, she does no wrong. To suggest that
she is interfering with Allah’s creation is very naive. It is part of
Allah’s creation that certain substances, when taken in a particular
measure or quantity, cause a delay in woman’s period. Therefore, when a
woman resorts to such an action, she is only manipulating Allah’s
creation for a legitimate end. The fact that the tablets used in this
case are ordinary contraceptive pills does not alter the situation.
People who suggest that such an action constitutes interference with
Allah’s creation should reflect a little further. What do they say to
husbandry which causes a particular tree to yield different fruits? It
is needless to say that husbandry is perfectly legitimate although it
seeks to change the taste of fruit or crops yielded. It is simply
making use of Allah’s laws of nature for a desirable end.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )