Mosques: As touring

Q392 :In some Muslim countries, historical mosques
are visited by tourists as part of their sight-seeing tours. I wonder
whether this is permissible?

A392 : You are right to question this and I
understand your concern. However, the only two mosques which
non-Muslims are not allowed to enter are the Haram at Makkah and the
Prophet’s Mosque at Madinah. There is a clearly marked restricted area
around each of the two cities of Makkah and Madinah where non-Muslims
are not allowed. Otherwise, non-Muslims may enter mosques under certain
conditions. These are : 1. Entry must be allowed by Muslims.
Non-Muslims cannot force their way into a mosque without permission by
the Muslim authorities. 2. Non-Muslims must observe Islamic standards
of propriety. This means that a Western woman cannot go into a mosque
wearing, for example, shorts. She has to be dressed properly, as the
local Muslim traditions dictate. 3. They must not disturb worshippers
in the mosque. This means, in practical terms, that no group of
tourists may go to a mosque at a time of congregational prayer and have
their guide explaining to them the historic importance of that mosque.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )