Mosques: Using different mosques for
different prayers

Q394 :Sometime ago, a friend told me that it is
renetmended to use different mosques for different prayers, if that is
manageable. More recently, another friend told me that there is no such
renetmendation. Please explain.

A394 : Using different mosques in your locality
makes it easier for you to know the people in your area and to widen
your acquaintances. This is something desirable, because it promotes
closer links within the netmunity. If you would remember when the
Prophet used to offer Eid prayers in the open air, just before the
buildings of the city, he used to take one route for going to the
prayer area and a different route on the way back. This he did in order
to greet more people and to wish them a happy Eid. Having said that,
I should add that there is no specific renetmendation which tells us to
use different mosques for different prayers. All that one can say is
that it is certainly better to frequent several mosques while one
remains best known in the mosque which is closest to his residence.
This netbines both advantages of using one mosque and frequenting all
the mosques in one’s locality.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )