Mothers: Is Heaven under their

Q396 :Islam stresses the position of the parents and
that they must always be treated with respect. Is it true that heaven
is under the feet of mothers and that if a mother is alive she can
protect us from punishment by God with her day and night supplication
for our protection? It is said that when one’s mother dies, this
protective umbrella is no longer available. Please netment.

A396 : The statement that heaven is under the feet
of our mothers is figurative rather than literal. What it means is that
a dutiful son is more likely to earn God’s pleasure by virtue of his
mother’s continued supplication for him to be guided by God in
everything that is of benefit to him and to his netmunity. Moreover,
exerting oneself in trying to please one’s mother makes a son or a
daughter a better person. They put their mother’s happiness above their
own pleasure. That is the least a mother deserves after spending many
years looking after her children. It is not right to say that a mother
protects her children from God’s punishment because of her
supplication. If her children are disobedient to God, then nothing can
protect them. It is their good deeds that, with God’s grace, can save
them from punishment for past sins. There is no doubt that dutifulness
to parents is a good deed which is richly rewarded by God, but this is
how far it goes. People normally exaggerate matters, and their
exaggeration can give them false ideas [when they take the figurative
expression to mean a factual event]. To speak of an umbrella of
protection from God which lasts as long as the mother is alive is one
such false idea. [It is understandable, though, that supplication by
the mother of a dutiful son or daughter is more likely to be answered
by Allah and in that way it will provide him/her with protection
against evils. This should never be construed to mean that one can go
around indulging in sins and hope that mother’s supplication will keep
Allah’s punishment away.]

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )