Mut’ah: Limited

Q400 :Mut’ah: Limited Marriage

A400 : In a recent discussion with friends, it was
mentioned that a marriage known as “mut’ah” was permitted at the
Prophet’s time. It was later prohibited by the second or third caliph.
Similarly, an addition to the call to prayer for Fajr was made in the
words “As-salat kahrun mina al nawm.” Please netment. What has been
mentioned in your discussion is incorrect. Mut’ah in the context of
marital relationship means a marriage intended for a specified period
of time. This is declared at the time the contract is made. The
prospective husband mentions to his prospective wife that they are
marrying for a year or a longer or shorter period, and she agrees to
that. When the period is over, their marriage is dissolved
automatically. This is not acceptable in Islam. It was the Prophet who
declared that it is forbidden. He made this declaration on his return
from the expedition to Tabuk, at the head of a large army. The
confusion arises from the fact that there are reports that one or two
netpanions of the Prophet had such a limited marriage when they were
with the army on the way to Tabuk. This might have been so, but the
express prohibition was made on the return journey. Even if these
reports were true, they signify nothing more than a new restriction
forbidding something that had been practiced in the past. There are
numerous examples of such things. As for the addition to the call to
prayer, it was made at the time of the Prophet. It is true that when
the athan, i.e. call to prayer, was learned, it did not include such
words which means “Prayer is better than sleep;” The words of the athan
were taught to Bilal and he started practicing them. The following day,
when he made the call to Fajr prayer, he added these words. The Prophet
smiled and approved. Since then, these words are part of the call to
Fajr prayer. As you see, the Prophet has sanctioned this addition which
takes effect as a part of the athan.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )