Neckties in

Q407 :Some of my friends maintain that it is
forbidden to wear a necktie, particularly in prayer. Is it true?

A407 : No, that is not true. I know that this sort
of thing is frequently said, and that some people suggest that the
original idea of wearing a necktie was that it should be in the form of
a cross, and, as such, it benetes a symbol for Christians. I am very
doubtful of what is said about the origins of necktie. However, the
wearing of a symbol of a religion other than Islam is not permissible.
Therefore, if we know for certain that the necktie is a symbol of
Christianity and that it is meant as a cross, then we should not wear
it. The fact is that today no one, whether a Christian or a follower of
other religion, thinks of a cross when he wears his necktie. It is not
only that the shape is not that of a cross, but the linkage does not
occur to anyone. Hence, we can discount this suggestion without any
hesitation. Large areas of Muslim world today have adopted the Western
style of dress, which include a suit, a shirt and a tie. In these
areas, no one thinks of this type of men’s-wear as an imitation of
non-believers. Hence, it is permissible to wear it. Similarly, it is
permissible to wear it in prayer.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )